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INDOCTRINATE (Cl) – ‘Antilogos: Arcane Transmutation…’ CD Slipcase


INDOCTRINATE (Cl) – ‘Antilogos: Arcane Transmutation…’ CD Slipcase

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This power-trio from Chile rose from the ashes of Sadistik Goathammer. This first work resulted in an eight-song/29-minute album that’s utterly gnarly ‘n’ gnashing in its intensity, indeed bearing some bestial primitivism of the preceding Sadistik Goathammer but imbued with a more ominous ‘n’ occultic aspect. That name change was significant, as the three members of INDOCTRINATE have grown and deepened in the intervening years, and now endeavor to unleash an equally savage yet more sophisticated style of ravenous black/death metal.

Weight 105 g

Unholy Prophecies


Death / Black