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EXAUGURATE (USA) – Chasm of Rapturous Delirium MCD


EXAUGURATE (USA) – Chasm of Rapturous Delirium MCD

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Rising from the murky depths of the American south, and featuring members of Hollowed Idols, Ectovoid, Cemetery Filth, and Seraphic Entombment, Exaugurate’s 4 song debut brings forth a unique vision of sinister death metal, steeped in a haze of charnel atmospherics and morbid hostility, and forged with a heightened level of craftmanship. It’s the kind of epically scaled malevolence most closely associated with 2009-2010, when the likes of Dead Congregation, Grave Miasma, and Cruciamentum were just beginning to break, and the maze-like riffs, viciously deep, dueling vocals, and surging blast waves of percussion will certainly draw comparisons. Bonus track “Enveloped” originally appeared on the split 7 inch “Purging Holiness” with Father Befouled.

Weight 99 g

Empyrean Collapse


Death Metal